Dear Member,
The next Annual General Meeting of The Advertising Club will be held on Tuesday, 29th September, 2020 at 3.00 p.m. on Zoom. The Pandemic in the form of Covid-19 has thrown in many challenges whereby a meeting in person like every year for the AGM is impossible hence the meeting will happen on a zoom call. The details of the zoom call will be shared at a later date.
According to Clause 43, of the Rules and Regulations of the Club, nominations are invited for Office Bearers and Members of the Managing Committee for the election to be held at the Annual General Meeting.
The enclosed Nomination Paper, duly filled in, may please be emailed to the Advertising Club at [email protected] along with the enclosed Consent Letter of the person nominated, before 12 noon on Wednesday, 12th August, 2020.
Nominations received without the said Consent Letter will be treated as invalid.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Bhaskar Das
Note: Please use Adobe Acrobat Reader to duly Fill & Sign the Nomination Paper and Consent Letter. For support kindly contact Ms Smita on +91 98690 22258 or Mr Gopal on +91 98671 38115.