Times Internet Ltd gets Rishi Khiani as the new CEO. Rishi moves from Web18, the Internet arm of the Network18 Group, where he had recently put in his papers as COO. June 30, 2009 was his last working day with Web18.
Khiani in the past has been the CEO of Sidewalks of the World from January 2004 to July 2007, and CEO, UrbanEye Media, a computer software firm, from April 1998 to August 2006. UrbanEye Media was acquired by the Network18 Group in August 2007. Khiani had done his Entrepreneurial Studies from Babson College.
It was Dinesh Wadhawan who had put in his papers as the MD and CEO of Times Internet Ltd in June 2009. Wadhawan has now been appointed on the Board of RockeTalk, a San Diego, California based mobile application company.