V-Guard, a South India based company dealing in wires, water heaters, fans and pumps, has awarded TBWA India’s Bengaluru branch with its creative mandates. The account was awarded to TBWA India after a multi agency pitch which included Lowe Lintas, along with three other local agencies. The incumbent agencies on the account were Media Mate Advertising and Maitri Advertising.
The media duties were also handled by the incumbent agencies and will continue to stay with them. A spokesperson from V-Guard says that as of now, it wanted a new strategy and a new creative agency. The decision on whether a new media agency is required will be taken after some months.
V-Guard has been working with local agencies for the past few years. The last national agency it worked with was Mudra way back in the first half of this decade. Now, the company feels the need to work with a national agency again as it is expanding its footprint in North India.
Mithun Chittilapilly, executive director, V-Guard, said, “With TBWA coming on board, we are for looking at our pan India deliveries with a greater focus and look forward to some great disruptive thinking.”
Vishal Ahluwalia, senior VP, South, TBWA India, said, “V-Guard’s vision for taking the brand forward matched the ‘Disruption’ philosophy we propagate and follow. We are looking forward to creating growth for the brand in its related product categories.”
The company spokesperson also says that the company has always been print centric and in fact launched its first television commercial only last year. For the next year, the company plans to focus on television as well as BTL activities.
The account is valued at more than Rs 10 crore and will be handled by TBWA Bengaluru, with a satellite operation in Kochi.