Ignite Mudra recently won the creative mandate of Divya Bhaskar the Gujarati daily which is part of the Dainik Bhaskar Group.
Dharmendra Mishra, business head – general manager (marketing), Dainik Bhaskar said, “Ignite Mudra has a very strong equity, having created numerous successful brands. Of course, as a plus it is also based in Gujarat. We are confident that the association with Ignite Mudra will take Divya Bhaskar to greater heights.”
Chandan Nath, head, Ignite Mudra added, “Divya Bhaskar has managed to attain a strong presence in Gujarat in a very short span. The group redefined the market by offering a unique, relevant and contemporary product. We look forward to working closely with the Bhaskar team to strengthen the brand further amongst Gujarati readers.”