Creativeland Asia announces Fresh Pick 2008

The highlight of a creative career in advertising and design is usually a visit to the Cannes. Imagine starting your career with it.

Since its inception, Creativeland Asia has remained focused on targeting the youth. Right from the brands they handle to the people they hire, ‘youth’ is the one mantra they’ve lived by.

As a part of this endeavour, Creativeland Asia launches Creativeland Fresh Pick. Fresh Pick is an initiative to pick out the best young talent in this country and nurture them. Creativeland Asia proposes to send one Final Year Graduating Student from Art and Design Schools (graphic/communication design department) in India to attend the 7-day festival at Cannes. An all-expense paid trip courtesy Creativeland Asia. This young talent will also be awarded a one-year contract to work with Creativeland Asia alongside some of the most awarded advertising and design professionals in India.

Students from Art and Design schools (graphic/communication design department) can send across their final year campaigns on a CD to the Creativeland Asia office by the 31st of March. And one person will be adjudged the ‘Creativeland Fresh Pick’ of the year.

“The objective of course, is to hone young talent at a very early stage and give them exposure to the way work is done internationally which otherwise they would never get. They would be looking at work from several different countries and categories, and be a part of several talks and seminars on creativity. To put it in a nutshell, it’ll be a lifetime of learning in one week”, says Raj Kurup, the Chairman and Chief Creative Officer at Creativeland Asia.

Having been to Cannes several times himself, he says, “Rubbing shoulders with some of the world’s most creative people is extremely inspiring and is enough to induce a change in the quality of their work”.

This is the first time anybody has taken up an initiative like this and Raj Kurup is confident that Creativeland will continue to spot, felicitate and nurture young creatives in this fashion for years to come. “I believe this opportunity is the ideal jumpstart any creative student could ask for. People wait years before hey can go anywhere close to an advertising festival such as this, imagine going to one even before you start your career in advetising ” says Vikram Gaikwad, Partner and Executive Creative Director, Creativeland Asia.

“It is indeed a selfless and generous gesture on the part of Creativeland that has put a new spirit and life in each student’s talented mind. No adequate words can express our gratitude”, said Prof. GG Waghmare, Dean, Sir J J Institute of Applied Art, Mumbai, who extended his complete support to this idea.

“International exposure is a dream come true for any student, and my students are excited by this initiative from Creativeland”, said Madhuri Naik, the principal of Sophia’s College, who was thrilled at the prospect of one of her students making it all the way.

“We’re as creative, if not more than any the other country. Yet, we don’t win as many awards at the international level. We’re hoping that an exposure to events like this at a young age will change that, and we’re sure in time, we’ll all make our nation proud” says Kurup on a parting note.

With the support of the colleges and his team, Raj Kurup believes that this year will be quite another trip to Cannes.

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