launched in India is an online exhibition platform for brands, with product and service categories that make for easy accessibility and a simple-to-use interface; it is whole new way of advertising online.

The online advertising space has been dominated by Google of late; very simply because it is an easy and extremely popular search engine. It is starting to see a little competition however from players like Yahoo! and Wikipedia.

Advertising in the past has worked with a predilection to broadcast. The advertiser broadcasts a commercial, at an appointed hour, in conjunction with a television program or across programs and channels. This was great for familiarizing the brand and building brand loyalists, but not communities – television was not a community builder because the community did not have an easy way of talking to one another. The internet, which has a native capability to build communities, also removes the need to view programs by appointment. This presents some serious challenges to advertising. Add to that technological complexity and it’s easy to see why advertising companies did not get into the internet first. Somebody had to first figure out how all that stuff worked in the first place.

The problem with this approach however, is that brandspeak gets lost in folkspeak on the net. The search engines were meant to index all the folk speak. Sponsored links evolved as an afterthought (marketers will be where the crowd is). With mobiles, laptops and other internet-enabled devices continuously contributing to folkspeak, the problem of retrieving brandspeak on the net is going to become even more acute. Search engine optimization is only a band-aid remedy. Because the web just became Web 2.0 – that means social web, semantic web and rich media. What brands need is not just SEO optimized webpages, flashing banners or sponsored links. They need their own, special place on the web. They need their brandfronts

What’s a ‘brandfront’? A brandfront is a ‘digital asset’. Internet has, so far, tended to be ‘page based’. This mind set has spawned page views, page ranks, SEO etc. But with the emergence of digital worlds like Second Life, it’s more useful to think in terms of ‘digital assets’. On Second Life, for example, you can have your own ‘showroom’ or ‘corporate building’ etc. This is the era of digital assets and digital geographies, as opposed to ‘pages’.Your ‘brandfront’ similarly, is a ‘digital asset’.

This is where comes in; is an online exhibition platform for brands. With product and service categories that make for easy accessibility and a simple-to-use interface, is whole new way of advertising online. Buzzar gives you a ‘brandfront’ – a departure from banners, eyeballs, clickthroughs and other conventional online ideas. Buzzar is non-intrusive and allows users to explore brands at their own convenience – an ideal complement to print, radio and television-based advertising.

The dashboard, loaded with features, delivers an enriched brand experience for the user. What’s more, using a comprehensive back-end module, the brand manager can manage brand campaigns and customer-facing marketing collaterals completely. And like a website ID, brandfronts will also have IDs (e.g) nike> All the user needs to do is to type in the brandfront ID into the navigation panel and he lands on the brandfront, instantly.

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