- Applications must be proposed and seconded by members, who must quote their membership number while affixing their signatures.
- Applications must be accompanied by a crossed cheque or demand draft.
- Life Membership fees is Rs.10,000/- Plus 18% GST in one lump sum.
- Cheque should be drawn in favour of “The Advertising Club Bombay” and should be payable at Mumbai.
Please insist on an official receipt and preserve the same with you.
Eligibility for Membership (Rule-4)
An individual of good standing in the community, who has attained the age of 18 years, who believes in and subscribes to the object set forth in the Memorandum of Association of the club and who is professionally engaged in advertising, publicity and public relations, or who is directly concerned with the creation or placing of advertising and the purchasing or selling of space, print or time, and who fulfills all the terms and conditions laid down in these rules and regulations shall be eligible to become a Life Member.
Admission of Members
Every application for membership shall be placed before a meeting of the Managing Committee for its consideration. The Managing Committee reserves the right to accept or reject the application for membership without assigning any reason.
Life Member
An individual, eligible to become a member, as the Managing Committee in accordance with the provisions of these rules and regulations may admit, shall become Life Member on payment of Rs.10,000/- Plus 18% GST in one lump sum.