Subject: SMACK THAT PACK CHALLENGE (Design Cigarette and Other Tobacco Pack)
Dear Member,
Greetings from Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA)!
Every year 31st May is observed as World No Tobacco Day (WNTD). This year the theme for WNTD is “Get ready for plain packaging” Plain packaging of tobacco products is an important demand reduction measure. It reduces the attractiveness of tobacco products, restricts use of tobacco packaging as a form of advertising, limits misleading packaging and labeling and increases the effectiveness of health warnings. CPAA in co-operation with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoH&FW) and World Health Organization (WHO) is organizing SMACK THAT PACK CHALLENGE competition, which will be judged by a panel of celebrities. An exhibition of the best selected, will be held at Trident, BKC- Bandra (Mumbai).
Crack a hard-hitting visual for cigarette boxes that convey the ill-effects of tobacco.
Create a graphic, make an illustration or use typography to make your point.
Send us what it takes to beat the odds and you could well be a saviour for millions of smokers.
Attractive prizes up for grabs with an exhibition of best entries and much more!
Shortlisted entries will be uploaded on our Facebook Gallery on Do log on and like our page so that we can tag your name on your entry. The entry that garners the most ‘likes’ in the given time will win a special prize!
Judges: Piyush Pandey, Bharat Dabholkar, Dr. P C Gupta, Dr. P S Pasricha & Dr. Pankaj Chaturvedi
Rules & Regulations:
1. Participant should be aged 18 years or more as of 1 January 2016.
2. Each participant can submit a maximum of TWO entries only.
3. Each entry should have a caption, description of the photo (maximum 200 characters) and personal details of participant like: Full Name, address, date of birth, contact number and email address
4. Both Color and Black and white CREATIVES will be accepted in the contest
5. Entries will be judged on the basis of content, composition, sensitivity, creativity and style
6. An Entry can be either a Digital copy or a Hard copy and should conform to the size of a regular Cigarette/ TOBACCO pack
7. Digital Entries should be sent via email to
a. Image file should be a High resolution JPEG format only.
b. File size not more than 2 MB
c. Subject on email: Entry for Smack that Pack Challenge
8. Hard Copy entries should be mailed to:
Anita Peter
Cancer Patients Aid Association
King George V Memorial, Anand Niketan, Dr E Moses Road,
Mahalaxmi, Mumbai 400 011
Contact No- 022 2492 4000 / 022 2492 6928
Subject on envelope: Entry for Smack that Pack Challenge
- No registered brand names or logos to be used
- You are free to use any supporting slogan
- Last date for submission 10th May, 2016
- For more information log on:
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
Ms. Anita Peter
Executive Director
Cancer Patients Aid Association
Please post your correspondence at Mahalaxmi address which is given below or any other queries contact us at
98196 37601 or 022-24926928