FMCG company CavinKare has assigned the Rs 18-crore creative business for its brand Spinz to a new agency that it didn’t want to name. Industry sources close to the development have said that the new agency is Mudra.
Rubicom is the incumbent agency. Actress Genelia D’souza has been appointed the brand ambassador for Spinz.
Speaking on the new brand ambassador for Spinz, Vineet Trakroo, VP – Marketing, CavinKare, said, “We have signed up Genelia to endorse the brand as we found that she has a good brand fit and identifies with the youth. Her bubbly and mischievous image is also the image of our brand. We expect to break our talc commercial with her next month and she shall be the face of our brand for next few years.”
Commenting on the brands Spinz Talc and Deo’s growth plans, Trakroo further said, “These are two of our fastest growing brands and are expected to drive growth in the future too. The deo category is growing by 45 per cent year on year. Though the talc category has been witnessing low growths for the past few years, Spinz Talc has shown good growth this year due to the increase in rural penetration. Spinz is a youth brand and has a significant share in the deo market at 5 per cent. We plan to take it to 8 per cent next year. We have launched deo variants for males and plan new variant additions this year.”