Kishore Malviya has joined Triveni Media as Group Editor. The move follows Ravi Shankar’s appointment as CEO Triveni Media, taking the place of Rahul Kulshreshtha.
Triveni Media, which launched the 24-hour Hindi news channel Voice of India on June 1, 2008, is a subsidiary of the Triveni Group, which is into infrastructure and real estate projects.
Shankar confirmed Malviya’s appointment as Group Editor of VOI.
Malviya assumed his new role on February 2, 2009. He commented on the move, “I am happy to take up the new role and responsibility. This is a challenging job, but I am confident in days to come I will be able to take VOI to the next level amidst the problems that the channel has faced in the recent past.”
Malviya has previously worked for Navbharat Times, Zee News and Nepal 1. Prior to his appointment, he was Deputy Editor – News at India News.